Sprachprüfung Französisch - inlingua Sprachschule München

Language examination French


Do you need a nationally or internationally recognised diploma in a language? Then we are just the people you need to contact!

Do you need proof of your French skills for your employer or do you have to evaluate skills when hiring or promoting employees? Then we recommend the TFI.



  • The test also exists for French, in the form of the TFI (Test de Francais international).

  • This is a paper-and pencil test that evaluates reading and listening comprehension.

  • The questions in the TFI test are based on situations taken from real professional life in an international environment (conferences, business trips, telephone calls and so on).

  • The TFI test consists of 200 multiple-choice questions divided into two sections, with a specific amount of time allocated for completing each one. The candidate responds to the questions by manually marking one of the three or four possible answers (A, B, C or D) on a machine-readable answer sheet.


You can find further information on the TFI  at  https://www.language-testing-service.de/cms/ .

IMPORTANT: Individual preparation for all examinations is available on request. Contact